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The Six Core principles of Training With Max Off-Road


We understand that everybody learns differently and our goal is to convey the information to the rider in a way that makes the most sense to them.


Improve stamina from an increased efficiency on the bike, along with overall endurance from a focused training plan.


Max's passion for the sport is what drives and pushes him to be a better riding coach.

"I am passionate about sharing my knowledge of the spot with others."



Focused training techniques will help form the correct habits that stick with you during fun rides or races.


A lot of experience has gone into our comprehension of how simple mindset changes can make a huge difference in our riding ability. Mindset is crucial, let's get good at it.


Dirt bike lessons are great, but making them fun is always the overarching goal.

Find Your Skill Level

Use the information below to help determine what class is right for you.



Max Off-Road Level 0 - Intro to Dirt 

I’ve never ridden any type of motorcycle before, or I’ve ridden motorcycles, but have no off-road experience OR I have some off-road experience and prefer riding off-road on ATV trails and double track.

  • I do not feel confident in using any of the controls.

  • Not 100% sure about what the clutch does and tend to stall frequently.

  • Corners sneak up on me and are challenging to navigate.

  • Hills are not in the repertoire. 

  • Single track is foreign to me.

  • Fitness and riding skills are definitely holding me back.


Max Off-Road Level 1 - Beginner

I’ve ridden, but not enough to be confident and need help with the basics.

I have off-road experience and ride several times a year. I am excited to learn how to control the bike better, building confidence to ride with more ease!

  • Terrain:

    • I prefer riding off-road on ATV trails and double track but am working on building the skills and confidence it takes to ride terrain with rocks, roots, tight corners, tight trees, sand washes and hills.

    • Single track is starting to enter the chat.

  • Obstacles:

    • I’m able to roll over smaller obstacles but stay away from obstacles bigger than 6 inches.

    • It’s really hard to get unstuck without help.

  • Speed:

    • I am not super comfortable handling my bike at higher speeds (4th gear +) on roads and double track. 

    • I am comfortable in 1st or 2nd gear on a single track.

  • Bike Skills:

    • I try to look ahead, but tend to revert back to looking right in front of the bike making it challenging to anticipate what’s coming.

    • I can successfully operate all controls most of the time.

    • I’m getting better at understanding how to use the clutch, but tend to stall in certain scenarios.

    • I’m dabbling with standing on the pegs especially in flowy terrain, but once it gets a bit tricky I lose proper form/body positioning and sit down.

  • Cornering:

    • Corners are getting better but stalling and tip overs are frequent.

  • Hills:

    • Hills are difficult and intimidating but I try.

    • I struggle with clutch, throttle, brake control and body positioning on both climbs and descents.

    • Descending hills can be iffy. Sitting tends to be preferred and I often lose control, so slower is better.

  • Shifting:

    • I can shift, but I need an easy spot and don’t have the timing with the clutch and throttle dialed in.

I feel wiped out after a couple hours on the bike. Poker Runs are the closest thing to racing I’d consider at this point.


Max Off-Road Level 2 - Novice

I love riding and still have so much to learn. I mainly ride for site seeing and minor exploration.

  • Terrain:

    • I am working on building the skills and confidence it takes to ride terrain with rocks, roots, tight corners, tight trees, sand washes, hills, tighter turns, quick shifting and whoops.

    • I can ride the mellow single track, even though it’s challenging.

  • Obstacles:

    • I’m able to get over smaller obstacles but it’s not pretty. It’s really hard to get unstuck without help.

    • I am learning how to lift the front wheel on command, but it's intimidating and my timing is off.

  • Speed:

    • I am comfortable handing my bike at higher speeds (4th gear +) on roads and double track. I am comfortable at higher speeds on single track (2-3rd gear).

  • Bike Skills:

    • I try to look ahead, but tend to revert back to looking right in front of the bike making it challenging to anticipate what’s coming.

    • I can safely and successfully operate all controls all of the time.

    • I am getting better at clutch control and really starting to understand how it helps control the bike in various situations.

    • I stand on the pegs most of the time, but once in a while I lose proper form/body positioning and sit down especially in more challenging terrain.

  • Cornering:

    • Corners are still not as smooth as I’d like, but stalling is rare. I am getting there and need to dial in the fundamentals.

  • Hills

    • I can ride hills, it’s not always pretty but I can make it happen.

    • Hills are less intimidating to try but still struggling with clutch, throttle, brake control and body positioning.

    • Descending on hills can still be sketchy at times, especially when they seem super steep, have roots drops or rocks in them.

    • Brake control and body positioning on descents are still challenging to get right, but working on it!

  • Shifting:

    • Sometimes I am able to properly set up for turns/obstacles by selecting the appropriate gear and approach speed.

  • I am gaining fitness and my skill level is increasing. 2-4 hrs on trails are totally doable!

  • I might dabble in racing (C Class).


Max Off-Road Level 3 - Intermediate

I love riding! I ride regularly and dedicate lots of time to riding. I have a decent amount of experience. I may have ridden or raced back in the day and am getting back into it. I can ride most public trails and terrain.

  • Terrain:

    • I love single track, and can handle a variety of terrain.

  • Obstacles:

    • I look ahead, though not consistently or maybe not far enough. 

    • Obstacles are getting easier, but still intimidating.

    • Lifting the front wheel on command to get over roots, rocks, downed trees, etc is starting to become a thing.

  • Speed:

    • I am comfortable handling my bike at higher speeds (5th gear +) on roads and double track. I am comfortable at higher speeds on single track (2-3rd gear).

  • Bike Skills:

    • I understand clutch control and am stoked to get more confidence using it.

    • I still spin the rear tire at times but am trying not to. I can safely and successfully operate all controls all of the time.

    • My body positioning is strong. I stand lots of the time and dab or sit when things get a bit rowdy.

  • Hills:

    • I am able to shift gears during the climb and fluidly move your body front to back and side to side obtaining and maintaining the best traction while climbing.

    • Climbing is typically successful, unless technical roots, rocks or corners get in my way.

    • On descents, I am generally comfortable using both brakes and staying balanced standing up on the pegs with my weight back.

    • I’m starting to consider steeper descents as “fun!”

    • I am comfortable with some speed and letting go of the brakes as long as I can see what’s ahead on the trail.

  • Cornering:

    • I understand effective cornering techniques, look ahead to see my line and link turns. Timing isn’t perfect but I’m working on it.

  • Shifting:

    • Mostly able to properly set up for hills, turns and obstacles by selecting the appropriate gear and approach speed.

  • My fitness level and riding ability allow for long days in the mountains (4+ hours).

  • I like racing, or think I do at times (B Class).


Max Off-Road Level 4 - Expert

I ride every chance I get! This is my thing. I have experience in a variety of terrain and I am not intimidated. 

  • Terrain:

    • I am comfortable riding any type of terrain aggressively. The more technical, the better!

  • Obstacles:

    • I can maneuver over and around pretty much any obstacle I encounter including boulders, trees, tight ditches, etc while maintaining control of the bike.

  • Speed:

    • I am comfortable handing my bike at higher speeds (5th gear +) on roads and double track. I am comfortable at higher speeds on single track (3rd gear +).

  • Bike Skills:

    • I use the throttle and clutch seamlessly to create power and control in challenging terrain to maximize traction and eliminate wheel spin.

    • I am comfortable always standing or knowing when to sit for traction!

  • Hills:

    • I’m able to shift gears during the climb and fluidly move my body front to back and side to side obtaining and maintaining the best traction while climbing.

    • Hills that involve technical roots, rocks, switchbacks and blind ridges are typically no issue.

    • I can navigate variable traction conditions in the middle of a hill, although it may not be pretty, you get through unassisted.

    • I use both brakes sparingly while descending and are open to getting some air off rocks, root steps and whoops. Braap!

  • Cornering:

    • My timing and coordination in all types of corners is consistent. I am comfortable leaning my bike through the corner and accelerate through the exit with confidence.

  • Shifting:

    • I constantly look ahead and am able to properly set up for hills, turns and obstacles by selecting the appropriate gear, approach speed and entry point.

  • My fitness level and riding ability allow for long days in the mountains (6+ hours).

  • I love racing (A Class, Expert)

  • ​

Max Off-Road Level 5 - PRO

Dirt Biking is what I do. I have lots of experience and riding the bike feels like a natural extension of my body.

I can handle the most technical terrain imaginable, can hit all the jumps, turns, climbs and descents with confidence.

I race in the Pro Class, AA, Open A or Open Ex classes depending on the series.

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